Puppy Waiting List
Names will be added in the order $50 deposit is received.
Deposit is
non-refundable and must be used within 1 year.
The $50 deposit will be taken off the puppy price when picked up.

If that’s something you would be interested in click HERE to open the online form.
Print the form (or fill out online before printing) and complete:
1. Your name, address, phone number and email address
2. Puppy preferences (sex and color).
3. Mail the completed form with a check Payable(or fillout online bef]]
to Anthony Edwards to the address at the top of the form
and your name will be added.


Noel Travis .....................Union Grove, AL.......Female
Seth Entrekin..................Bremen, GA..............Male

Call 256-717-2523 or email anthony@rockcreekbloodhounds.com
to be added to our waiting list.